Allen Photographic Guide ‘The Care and Repair of Harness Book

The Care and Repair of Harness (Allen Photographic Guides)

Steinke, Robert

Published by J. A. Allen, 1997

When Robert Steinke started in the saddlery trade in the mid 1960s, driving harness was seldom called for. However, since the upsurge of interest in carriage driving, he has specialised in its design and manufacture. This has been complemented by him breaking his old hunting cob, Duke, to harness and driving him at various country shows and rallies. The knowledge gained from both the bench and the box seat is contained within this book to help an owner driver to maintain a set of driving harness in optimum condition. All the repairs covered can be carried out with a basic selection of tools and materials and are presented in a hands-on, photographic step-by-step style. About the Author Prior to starting his own business the author was apprenticed to the Queen's saddler, passing the City and Guilds exams in Rural Saddlery during his two spells at Cordwainers College in London. Robert Steinke now lives on a smallholding in Southern Ireland where he runs a studio workshop in which he concentrates on making driving harness for the show ring. This is in addition to his equestrian writing, photography and workshop courses and while still enjoying carriage driving on a pleasure and competitive level.

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